Welcome to the Working Lives of Teachers and Leaders website, a study commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) for leaders and teachers working in schools in England. It is being carried out by IFF Research and IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society. As a longitudinal study, the survey explores trends in the education sector over time. The study is now in its fourth year. The questions cover a range of areas, from teacher and leader workloads and pupil behaviour to school culture and leadership, career reflections and future ambitions. By taking part you will be helping DfE to design policies that better support teachers and leaders. You can read a summary of the findings from the third year (2024) here. You can also read the findings from the 2023 survey in summary here, and in full here. For more information, please read our FAQs here. For a more detailed overview of the research timings, please click here. To view the Data Sharing Information for Schools, please click here. To view the Privacy Notice, please click here. If you have a question about the survey that you can’t find the answer to here, or would like to get in touch for any other reason, you can contact IFF Research on workinglivesofteachersandleaders@iffresearch.com and/or DfE on workinglives.teachers-leaders@education.gov.uk.